History Pendulum

The arc of the moral universe bends toward justice

[but darn – sometimes it’s hard to see that from here].

Musings on history, heroism, historical fiction, writing, and the ironies of life by the author of Rian Krieger’s Journey.

  • The Letter S that Changed History

    December 31, 2020 by

    I once fired a secretary because of an apostrophe. Honest.  Now in fairness, at the time I was the director of a new science museum. It was important that all written communications come across as professional and meticulously accurate. Sadly, she had mailed form letters out numerous times with typos and mis-spellings, and, understanding her… Read more

  • Semaphore Towers

    September 27, 2020 by

    Ask most people when the era of rapid long-distance communication began, and they’ll tell you with the invention of the electric telegraph. That puts the date at 1844, when Samuel F. B. Morse sent the message “What hath God Wrought” from Washington to Baltimore and back. A mere seven years later, more than 20,000 miles… Read more

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